Monday, March 22, 2010


I love spring! It's such a beautiful time of year. All the dormant plants are showing off their brilliant colors as they come back to life. And, yes those lovely blooms are creating misery for those with allergies.

The daffodils started popping up in February and just today, on my walk back from watching a gray squirrel munch on greenery, I noticed the vibrant red tulips.

Another joy, or maybe it's just an annoying adjustment, of spring is daylight savings time. The night we set our clocks forward I feel like I'm cheated and for a few weeks it feels like the days move really fast. The next thing I know it's 7 p.m. Anyway, another week or so and it'll be great.

In the meantime I'm opening the windows to get rid of the stuffy indoor winterness.

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